Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mile 0 Dawson Creek

View from Many Glacier, Glacier National Park

We've been without internet for several days so I've got lots of work to catch up. But, we're heading out from Dawson Creek and on our way to explore. Just wanted to share a couple of views and some critters we saw on the past few days travel. Missing everyone. Be back to you all soon.
Glacier National Park
Sheep in parking lot at "Many Glacier", Glacier National Park

Clark's Nutcracker, Lac Louise
Yup! It's one of the 3 grizzlies we saw on the road from Lac Louise to Jasper

The sheep decided our jeep was the perfect salt lick.
Our first Caribou.

Pocket gopher or ground squirrel. Tons of these everywhere of course your's truly stepped in a hole. Thank goodness no damage was done.


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