Monday, April 29, 2013


Bright and even warmer today as we begin our Journey into Wyoming. It’s 75 degrees in Rapid City, SD where we took a quick trip to Dinosaur Park to take photos for the g’kids. When I was 13 my dad stopped here when we were travelling across country from Alaska to DC. I also visited the Park several years ago when I was teaching for the SD Association of REALTORS® Graduate of the REALTORS® Institute program.

We’re having a great laugh this morning as we decided that after experiencing a truck stop (engines running all night right next to us, ugh) we’d stay at a nice quiet rest stop. Well, it didn’t occur to us that the railroad tracks we crossed, next to the rest stop would be sooooo active. Every 20 minutes or so the train whistles blew and woke us up. After about 25 of these we gave up on sleep and read for most of the night. We thought about the scene in “My Cousin Vinny” where they experienced the same thing from their motel room – trains all night.

Today our destination was Devil Tower, Wyoming near Sundance. This is where they filmed Close Encounters of the Third Kind and many others. I think I took a thousand pictures but I’ll just post a few. Fran decided that we would hike the circumference. Oh my goodness, what a trek. But, one blister later and we did it. I’ve got shots from all angles. It is enormous and a very interesting rock formation.


We’re hiking more and enjoying every moment of experiencing this journey.


Today we spent our time at the Little Big Horn National Park. It is sobering, emotional and vast. Having a great grandmother Indian (Choctaw – Sharon Chapman) and Nana, Johnnie C. Chapman Sowell, dad’s mom live with us for over 13 years we learned a lot as children about the Indians . I am proud to be 4th generation Indian and so proud of our heritage. I so wish I could do more for our Nation.  We have so many things to be grateful for. For those who have served; and continue to serve the US. God Bless you all.

 Custer Fell Here
Last Stand Hill:

 Deep Ravine - a battle here:
 National Cemetary:
At the Center with National Cemetary in background:


We’re in Cody, WY tonight. The weather has changed once again and we’re experiencing high winds and the possibility of snow tonight and tomorrow. So, we’re hunkered down at the Ponderosa Campground for the next two nights at least.

We unhooked Zippy (our Jeep) and went into old town and had dinner at The Irma. Buffalo Bill’s Hotel that he built for his wife Irma. What a fascinating place with many original fixtures and lots of beautiful antiques. Check out the pictures  of the bar and our booth. We walked through the hotel lobby and into the back. It was creaky, musty and ghostly. There are wonderful photos and memorabilia throughout the facility.

 Buffalo Bill and Indians:
The original bar at the Irma:
Its worth a thought, maybe more:

1 comment:

  1. It is as though we are on this journey together. I can't wait to read each days posts, see your fun pics and see the wonderful pics of our Gods handiwork.

    Psalm 121

    1 I lift my eyes to the hills – where does my help come from?

    2 My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

    3 He will not let your foot slip – he who watches over you will not slumber:

    4 indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

    5 The Lord watches over you – the Lord is your shade at your right hand.

    6 the Sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night

    7 The Lord will keep you from all harm – he will watch over your life;

    8 the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.
